Goal and Objectives
To educate engineering and technology undergraduate students in 'nanotechnology safety‘ that includes societal, ethical, environment, health, and safety issues.
- Develop two modular undergraduate-level courses dealing with nanotechnology environment, health, and safety awareness, which will be offered entirely online to UT Tyler students, and as modules inserted separately into other courses to Texas State students. These courses will better prepare undergraduate students to advance to graduate nanotechnology programs and to work with nanomaterials in their future careers;
- Build on pedagogical research by employing a variety of teaching methods to engage students, particularly women and Hispanic students, including hands-on training, socially relevant case studies, plant tours, videos and guest lecturers;
- Elucidate emerging needs in nanotechnology environment, health; and safety, and incorporate them into basic education that can be immediately employed in industry;
- Promote interdisciplinary interactions among engineering, engineering technology, science, and industrial management/technology majors;
- Assess the effectiveness of the newly developed curriculum using a rigorous formative and summative assessment plan;
- Disseminate the results of course development, including measured student learning outcomes, industrial relevance; and lessons learned; to stakeholders including academic scientists, administrators; and nanotechnology industry professionals;
- Establish a Nanotechnology Advisory Council that will assist in providing current information related to research and tools in nanotechnology environment health and safety, and ensuring that our educational efforts serve the needs of industry.